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The Québec Will Kit has been developed with over 25 years experience in the estate planning business.

We have created a downloadable Step-by-Step Guide and an interactive, downloadable form that allows you to prepare a custom Will, personalized to your situation.

Once signed in the presence of two witnesses, you will have a fully legal Last Will and Testament, that complies with the Québec Civil Code.


The Québec Will Kit includes everything you need to prepare your legal Last Will and Testament in the Province of Québec that complies with the Québec Civil Code.

When you order The Québec Will Kit, you will receive an interactive PDF form as well as a digital version of the 24 page Step-by-Step Guide that guides you through the process of preparing your Will.

We do NOT send the kit to you by postal mail. Instead, you will receive it instantly by email. You will need the free Adobe Reader installed on your system in order to use the interactive PDF form.

It is a simple form to complete, and just needs to be printed and signed in the presence of two adult witnesses to make it a fully legal Will. There is no requirement to use the services of a lawyer, notary/notaire, or Commissioner of Oaths to prepare a Will using The Québec Will Kit.

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Contents of The Québec Will Kit

Step-by-Step Guide

To help you complete your Will

You can download the Step-by-Step Guide for free by clicking on the button below before deciding whether to purchase The Québec Will Kit.

Download Free Guide

The Step-by-Step Guide includes the following chapters:

  • The Québec Civil Code
  • What is a Will
  • Why you do not need a lawyer or notary
  • When to update the Will
  • Preparing the Will
  • The Liquidator
  • Organ and Body donations
  • Legatees
  • Leaving property to Children
  • Naming Tutors for Children
  • Instructions for Completing your Will
  • An overview of Probate
  • Glossary of Legal Terms

3 Ways to Write a Will

In the Province of Québec, there are three legally valid ways of preparing your Will:

  • 1

    Using a Lawyer or Notary

    Using a Lawyer or Notary

    Made before a notary and at least one witness. This type of Will is governed by strict formal requirements executed before a notary acting in his or her capacity as a public officer.

    As a result, it is usually of high quality and very difficult to contest. It is exempted from the formalities of probate.

    However, it can be expensive and inconvenient to arrange an appointment with a notary. It is also more difficult to keep updated when changes are required.

  • 2

    A Holographic Will

    A Holographic Will

    Handwritten entirely by the "testator" (you) and signed by them, with no other formal requirements.

    However, the Will must be extremely clear and unambiguous, and the interpretation of the instructions in the Will are made by a judge during the probate of the will.

    This type of Will typically costs nothing, but it frequently contains errors and omits critical clauses.

    A holographic Will is never a good idea.

  • 3

    Preparing Your Own Will

    Preparing Your Own Will

    Will made in the presence of witnesses, sometimes called a "Will following the form derived from the laws of England".

    It must be signed by the "testator" (you) before a minimum of two witnesses of full legal age, who must also sign the Will.

    It is not required that the Will be written by the testator. It can be drafted by another person. To be legally valid, the testator must declare in the presence of the witnesses that the document effectively constitutes his or her Will.

The third option is the best, using The Québec Will Kit.

Our 24 page Step-by-Step Guide and interactive PDF form will allow you to create a legal Last Will and Testament that can be signed in the presence of two witnesses. There is no requirement to have this document notarized or signed by a Commissioner of Oaths (or Notaires) to make it legal.

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Our Executive Team

  • Tim Hewson

    Tim Hewson

    President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Henry Raud

    Henry Raud

    President and Chief Technology Officer

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this different to a Canadian Will Kit?

Yes. The laws of Québec are very different from the rest of Canada. If you have assets in the Province of Québec, or are a resident of Québec, then you should not use a generic Canadian Will Kit. The kit available from this website is specifically written to comply with the laws of Québec.

Is the Will kit legal?

Yes. In Québec, the document becomes a legal Will as soon as it is signed in the presence of two adult witnesses.

How do I make my completed forms legal?

To make the document a legal Last Will and Testament, you must sign it in the presence of two witnesses who are adults of sound mind who have nothing to gain from the contents of the Will. There is no requirement for the witnesses to be notaries or lawyers, just any two independent adults.

Do my forms have to be notarized?

There are three different types of Will in Québec: a handwritten (or holographic) Will, a notarial Will which is signed in the presence of a notary, and a "Will made in the presence of witnesses". This kit allows you to create the third type, which means that there is no requirement to have the document signed by a notary.

Who can be a witness?

Any two adults who have nothing to gain from the contents of the Will can be witnesses to the signing. We would not recommend that a beneficiary (legatee) or any family member of a legatee serve as the witness to the signing of the document. You can choose friends, neighbours or colleagues at work.

How long does it take to prepare a Will?

The kit comes with a 24 page Step-by-Step Guide that explains each part of the process. Once you have decided on some of the key appointments, such as the Liquidator, then the Will can be completed in about 20 minutes. You would then print and sign the document in front of witnesses to make it a legal Will.

Is the Will kit suitable for me?

The Québec Will Kit is suitable for straightforward situations. There are certain circumstances where we would recommend that you do not use this kit.

These include:

  • If you are involved in a matrimonial dispute or wish to disinherit dependents
  • If you have a history of mental illness
  • If you have complicated business investments
  • If you need to provide for the long term care of a dependent, such as a child with special needs
  • If you are resident outside of Québec

If you have any doubts, please send us an email at [email protected], or use the CONTACT US form below, and we will be able to provide guidance.

Can I create a Québec Will online instead using your downloadable form?

If you wish to create your Québec Will online, we suggest you go to They have been in business for over 25 years and their Québec Will is the only online service in Canada that complies with the laws of Québec.

This form is too basic. Is there a more comprehensive option available?

If the form is too basic to meet your needs, we suggest you go to They offer a much more comprehensive and flexible Will, which fully complies with the laws of Québec.

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